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Hello and Welcome!
This is a Free networking based on licensed content interwoven into structured vocabularies (aka categories). Each such content belongs to all the vocabularies it is interwoven into (as the sorting order per each term in such vocabulary may also be manually made by specific assigned one/s), where the terms per each posted content are specified in its bottom left corner and the vocabularies (currently) are:
- The Path structured as a tree defining where the content sits
- The Publish in structured as free related tags of which each serves as a preview page for several such contents (If manually ordered, think of tag as a front page or as "home" of something, like the one of this site, otherwise as a simple portal).
The content and the structures are developed by, in and together with Organic Groups integrated with E-Commerce for sells. Each such Group is a collector for users subscribing to it, if the users are approved (automatically or not) by its administrator, where such Group, along with the Public, is also an optional target Audience of any content being posted by users, when the visibility of the Group is defined by its administrator. Hence such Group is a tool for manging the networking of the subscribed users, specifically in correlation to each of their posts and as the Organic Groups are integrated with E-Commerce for sells the networking provides a <i>network marketing</i> providing low cost service of products delivery (and even creation) of your products.
This network marketing can never be a pyramid scheme, as the organizations providing the products here can only be Common Companies or intended to become Common. Here are all the 6 points defining each Common Company. These 6 points, as they are implement in this networking per each such Company, guaranty full transparency of the centralization/decentralization factor of each of the providing organizations. For us in this networking, this factor, along with any benefit and/or responsibility, matters (since otherwise benefit and/or responsibility maybe concluded endlessly sucking)!
The organization providing this service is IsWith LTD in London, now building itself as a Common Company building Networking of Common Companies and individuals. You are now invited to become one of its owners, as a shareholder intended to become a Common shareholder (aka Ics shareholder). The price now is 5 pounds only, while, with each entry of additional 55 such Ics this price increases by half pound until reaching 50 pounds. Hence the earlier you get be Ics the less you invest and the more you earn! For more see the Add to cart in this.
Let us be introduced. Hello and Welcome to IsWith LTD - you are invited to be one of its owners, as a Common shareholder, now in a price of 5 pounds, only! And with each entry of additional 55 such Common shareholders this price increases by half pound until reaching 50 pounds, hence the earlier you get in the less you invest and the more you earn!
The Networking itself is free but some services for establishing and
supporting development of common companies are to be provided only to
common companies of which d=1 or of which one or more of the private
shareholders are common shareholders in IsWith LTD.
Our aim is simply Decentralizing Human Systems, since we believe in the long run power of Decentralized systems, over the Centralized ones and we acknowledge Decentralizing systems as a good thing to establish for enabling responsibility of, bind with benefit to, those who produce the power.
This networking is of Organic Groups and it has, with YOU as an individual, worthy contents, directly because Your Intellectual Properties Rights over Your Shared Content are kept in the networking, until your wish to assign some of Your rights to Your common company/ies.
For us, it is you who produce the power, as you are producing knowledge, upon which you can claim your intellectual property rights, when you can find yourself at least in one of these three categories: The artists, The developers, and/or The researchers!
And with us, as an investor in common companies, you can always find your place either as a Common or as a Privet shareholder.
By namzezam, on 16 Nov 2007 12:10 history Tags:
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