IsWith - The company and the networking:

The company IsWith LTD, which is intended to become itself a common company, provides this networking, the IsWith networking for Common Companies and individuals.

This networking is based on licensed content developed in and between organic groups. The Common shareholders of IsWith LTD (aka Ics , where Ics is one shareholder intending to become a Common Shareholder, when the company becomes a common one) as the power owners in the company interface between both in the networking: the power producers owning and licensing their products and their visitors, where the clients of the company are either, in this networking, the sellers interfacing between the products of the power producers and any of their buyers or, out of this networking, those who are licensed differently.

So now you can join and/or create Your own content, organic-groups and/or Common Companies, of which decentralization is transparent, easily defined and moderated, by joining in:

  • (g0) As a visitor (and just by clicking) view (where links are marked in green, under the teasers you find "read more" and on the left you find the menu of an article, if it is made of some pages), chat, comment and/or vote; and/or
  • (g1) as a power producer being a member create your profile and post your content, license it, define its audiences and where it should be published after signing in for FREE ; and
  • (g2) then, as a power owner, if additionally you want, for once-$10-payment, also become a Common shareholder in IsWith LTD, where such one is able also to create and control groups/communities in this networking (and where such payment will be increased by $1 with each entry of additional 55 such ones, until the payment reaches $100);
  • (g3) and then, as a a seller, if additionally you want, become, under periodical payment, a client of IsWith LTD, where such one is able to sell products in this networking.

Have fun. Decentralizing Human Systems is now in your hand, also in the commercial world

@bring back@

By namzezamnamzezam, on 03 Nov 2007 19:51 history Tags:


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