Introduction to Common Companies - the ComCom
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Common companies (ComCom) are useful tool for building communities like of artists, developers and/or researchers (power producers) in form of commercial companies. Such companies Fit to close AND open source, including Web2.0, strategies and epically the social-networking ones. In short: ComCom make your knowledge profitable (for you) while being shareable (with the others) in your commercial form at the commercial world.

As commercial companies the ownership over each ComCom is divided into 2 bound portions, of which one is the Private acting as in any other company and the other is the Common equally shared between all its (Common) shareholders, each of which is either a person or a ComCom.

Generally speaking: The Common portion of ComCom is intended for who otherwise would be excluded form the ownership over the company but would still share some common interest/attributes in/with the company, where such interest/attributes support the growth of the company and such new type of owners in relation to the company may be its clients and/or contributors cooperating with it (such as power producers).

In nutshelll: ComCom, respectively in their both portions, integrate both type of motivations:

  • the socialistic being of the common, as it is driven from unity and held by the common shareholders and
  • the capitalistic being of the discrimination, as it is driven form individuality and held by the private shareholders .

The business of IsWith LTD is made also as a showcase for making your ComCom, it is based on 3 services for its clients being also its shareholders, where the services are

  • changing licensing of its works from non-commercial to commercial one but with attribution to here,
  • its networking at networking
  • and consulting around building ComCom.

We are using this wiki and other such free services for not only catting expenses but also proving a show case for other to come to build their own ComCom. We want anyone to make ComCom.

@bring back@

By namzezamnamzezam, on 06 Nov 2007 18:37 history Tags:


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