IsWith - Common companies (ComCom and GovComCom)

Ask namZeZaM

Common Company (ComCom) in 6 points . You can now join the new platform. Why?
Either I am represented in my democratic state and hence what it does is in my responsibility, or I become peer owner in the texture of entities constituting my state.

  • The problem: The bigger the group of equal individuals is the weaker is the power of each individual.
  • The solution: Each individual owns equal part of the group's assets and evaluates it as a whole when leaving the group. Hence, when such small groups equally own bigger ones, the movement of the individual does not harm the bigger, making the solution scalable.
  • more..
  • See also

  • A "leadership crisis"? A "failed system"? Here is an alternative - A stock market regulation aligned with the following six points to benefit customers, which are "peer owners" over parts of the sellers, which are companies in that market.


See some more images here

An Important note:

The Following is an old and historical documentation on the issue and should be considered obsolete in any contradiction in relation with the above.

Next--> 1) latest comments 2) short descriptions 3) ComCom in wider context 4) definition 5) comparison 5) distribution of powers 7) using this doc 8) unique factors
Join here for becoming one of the first 5500 ComComists initiating worldwide the comcomism (see here how we do it and here see why)

Here you can learn the Why and the For-what but please also try the Howto and the What and do not miss our latest-comments.

Now, decentralising human systems is in your hands, also in the commercial world and in parallel to the political change we already observe. You don't need to fight, flatter and/or be ranked against the Huge ones even as they gain their power by lobbies, when you can simply neutralize them.

So, how can you still own what you (must for your own profit) share we are to answer in this page also in respect to the free-software/open-source movements, which do solve the knowledge aspect of distribution but never the over-centralised (capitalistic and/or governmental) power attached with such knowledge. (and now just think of the trend of social networking involving developed applications in their platform)

Please do not forget to go to this page to see the exact price for such privilege and/or for learn how to become a Common shareholder in IsWith LTD: The first to promote and become a ComCom.

Here we begin with a strong belief that it is a good thing for any one to interface with ComCom (and that this is the main choice to make for any one at least as client if not also as an artist developer and/or a researcher - aka power producers).

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gtgl (Good Time Good Luck) from namzezam

By namzezamnamzezam, on 24 May 2007 22:28 history Tags:


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