Comcom How It Goes
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When you produce content, upon which you could claim your Intellectual Properties Rights, you can become a common shareholder in cooperation with others like you, or become a private shareholder inviting -others- to cooperate with you. In each way, you could do so, in the same type of Companies - the Common Companies type.

Yes, Ok, Hold on, here is what I know I have:

  1. My contribution in form of idea , content, a code, research, a piece of art etc….
  2. A free legal shell in form of Creative Common, from copy-left to copy-right, although without Patents, Trademarks or Trade secrets, or in return for $1 only having exclusive rights lasting for 14 or 28 years.
  3. A free technical shell of facilities to cooperate with others, but under my control due to the permissions, which I am able to set over my Intellectual Properties, within some networking provided as service for development of Organic Groups, such as provided by OG Drupal.

But now, please do not send me to obey and beg investors, consider me as one producing valuable "things", but not (yet) for the end-users, and tell me where is my benefit with any marketing of my contribution, so then I, with others like me, could invite such investors for enabling the development we believe we need?

Instead of going first to such investors, you with other like you could first cooperate in the level of the free service for development of Organic Groups in the designing of your common company, such that

the common company would act as an agent promoting and/or selling your contributions as mature/immature products and/or services to the clients of the agent being also its common shareholders, while you, the contributors, are private shareholders in the company.

Now you could make the agent charging commission on the deals (or other fees on specific service or products delivered) between the contributors and clients,

  • where the fees are distributed between the shareholders (including the clients) after cleaning the expenses of the company
  • where the deals may be between individuals (contributors/clients) and/or between the agent as a whole and the clients and/or contributors,
  • and where somewhere along the way you could offer part of the private portion to investors, for increasing the value of your shares etc.(Generally: The later you get in, the more expensive the shares.)

Yet another way is by having investors as private shareholders and contributors as common shareholders in one company (A) , of which clients are common shareholders in another common company (B), of which one of the private shareholders is the first company (A); in this case c in company (A) may be limited and the company also would have a staff.

Finally: The development of Common Companies, when it is dynamically integrated in the networking of Organic Groups, enables reaching a very complex and well adjusted structure of organization of which components are Common Companies bound together by held shares, each of the other, such that the match of contributors, which is to be measured equally (as common shareholders) in each component (being a common company), is or can be diversified in the organization as a whole. In such organizations, due to the decentralization of the Common Companies, the distinction between each of the three: the shareholders, the employs and the clients, can be diversified and be maintained fully, partly or completely avoided.

You can change the world, if you ask yourself what you want and what the other want, learn the other, so that you could find your way to welcome the other to your way to change the world. This do not mean to compromise; but to Imagine-Think-Learn-and-Do intensively.

@bring back@

By namzezamnamzezam, on 07 Nov 2007 01:35 history Tags:


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