
ComCom - Its Unique factors: the d, c and policy

The Unique factors for ComCom: The d, c and policy as t * d = v * c:

Here are some factors to combine for achieving specific performances of a common company (where these factors are not available for any private company):

  • 'd' (as in Decentralization of the company) constant indicating the proportion of the common portion out of both portions,
  • 'c' variable indicating the number of Common shareholders, which might be defined either unlimited or confined for to meet some limits ( as the maximum of c is either fixed or is proportional to some factors) and
  • the policy of the company as for who and when could become Common shareholder (in regard to the company they are its partners, clients, clients being partners).
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By namzezamnamzezam, on 03 Nov 2007 11:18 history Tags:


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