
ComCom - 7 Short Descriptions (node/38),

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Here you can learn what is a common company (ComCom) and how it helps you to earn from contributing your licensed content regardless of any ads, become a member in this networking and/or a shareholder of the provider providing this networking and as such also become its client able to sell products in the networking:

Seven Short descriptions:

  1. What are common companies
  2. A short example for the benefit
  3. Common and individual Dependencies
  4. A short example for functional formation
  5. Mapping the distribution of powers
  6. With common companies you can
  7. Why and how decentralization now? (strangely enough, even the pope starts asking for it)
Common company-Definition:
  • Common Companies are commercial ones distinguished by having one simple rule accepted by all the shareholders of such company. This rule defines a portion of the company to be shared (dynamically and) equally between all the shareholders owning (equal) part in that portion, hence those shareholders are the Common shareholders of the company versus its Private shareholders only owning any part of the other portion of the company, where the proportion of the common portion out of all such company is unchangeable and defines the decentralization factor of the company (aka its d going from 0 to 1).
  • A short example for the benefit: Have 2 stores; the A and the B. One is in front the other and both sell the same in the same price, but store A, unlike store B, lets its clients be also its common shareholders. So for once payment for the shares, each client of A (by becoming also its common shareholder) get also a hold (result in profit and power of decision) in store A and for that the client might bring the others to A and be more loyal to A (and still the schema of A is NOT of pyramid, since all the common shareholders have equal number of shares all the time). In this way A would get also extra investment. The question then is where from would like to buy, A or B?
  • Common and individual Dependencies: Common companies in the level of their owners are useful in integrating Common Dependencies with the individual ones.
    • Common Dependencies are such in which dependency of/in one can NOT benefit from the failure of the other,
    • whereas the individual Dependencies are such in which dependency of/in one can benefit (by better positioning the one) due the failure of the other.
  • Common Dependencies are desirable at least in resolving the man cause climate changes and can be found in marriage when sharing bank accounts, in democratic schema, in communities, in networking and/or in being fans of, whereas the individual Dependencies are found in any individual assigning of ownership and/or position and can be found in competition useful in systems depended on making themselves distinguished over other such systems.
  • A short example for functional formation: Common companies in their formations can take advantage of their natural integration of Common Dependencies with the individual ones, here is an e.g.: some developers (comparable to core developers with their project manger in an open source development) form the ComCom A in which they are a private shareholder inviting other developers as common shareholders in A, where A is a private shareholder in B of which common shareholders are also testers of the products of A and where the B is a private shareholders in C, of which common shareholders are clients of C and users-buyers of the product of A. This is only 3 level structure of formation of common companies, which could be deeper and wider with combining also specific services and integration of products.
Distribution of powers:

Mapping the distribution of powers: The real producers of the power of/upon the people (i.e. those who make any significant advantage), are the artists, developers and/or researchers, but the power owners (i.e. shareholders) and power holders (i.e. CEO under the shareholders) control for to have their own benefit-from, and/or their own production-process-until, realizing any products/services to deliver out of the power producers.

  • With common companies you can use your own talent as a power producer by being one of such (Common or Private) owners for making your difference together with making your profit. Such companies can also regulate who may be their desired clients being also their (Common) shareholders, hence the structure of such companies is a perfect match for the web2.0 environment, even to the extent of cutting the investors situated between the work and its use/users.
  • Why and how decentralization now:
    • The problem to solve: We live in an era of both extremes, namely; privatization (resulted in reduction of the power of all states and political powers with increase of corruption caused by "big players") AND centralization (resulted in fewer possessing the most of the currently proven to be unbalanced global market), what could we do about it and how could we even earn from such doing?
    • Is it a problem, why is it a problem, or why is it my problem? What we now face (unbalanced and centralized globalization) was predictable to be so and not only because its unmoral appearance but mainly because being inefficient and heading toward its own collapsing, since any centralized system (such as the one below each CEO or the one belonging to the fewer possessing the most of the market), must, for not to fail, be limited to its well defined tasks and timeframe/timelines and that is just because of its own handling of its focus, hence centralization can never be successful (even with having the strongest force) while being permanent and global (with no task and timeframe specification) and decentralization can never only be an utopia (in fact in the nature and naturally decentralization is the default). In other words, you can never earn for long period of time only by well positioning yourself in one system being centralized merely, see here why.
  • Conclusion: In relation to the same product, letting the power producers also be the power owners, when facing the current (unbalanced and centralized) globalization, resolves the problem of increasing economic centralization! The concept of Common Companies is designed for achieving precisely such resolving, so now we, the power producers, must by ourselves, and can for making our own profit, resolve that problem and then when already crystallized invite also external investors. You can see here if the approach of opening the knowledge merely decentralize the profit including that of the producers.

@bring back@

By namzezamnamzezam, on 31 Oct 2007 16:28 history Tags:


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